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When NESEA’s in-person events were on hold, we were busy creating opportunities to engage our community through online platforms to further our mission of advancing sustainability practices in the built environment by cultivating a cross-disciplinary community where practitioners are encouraged to share, collaborate and learn. Now that we have returned to in-person events, we are continuing to provide useful and interesting session recordings for our community. The following content is available on-demand to all who are interested:

2022 Session Recordings

Watch select session recordings from BuildingEnergy Boston 2022 here.

2021 Virtual Conference Sessions

BuildingEnergy Boston 2021 & BuildingEnergy NYC 2021 were held online. 10 conference sessions are available to view free of charge. Learn more here.

2020 Virtual Conference Sessions

BuildingEnergy Boston 2020 & BuildingEnergy NYC 2020 were held online. 10 conference sessions are available to view free of charge. Learn more here.

Webinar Recordings

NESEA hosted webinars are available to view free of charge here. You can register for upcoming NESEA webinars and events here.