NESEA Lifetime Membership

Current Lifetime Members
Lifetime Member Benefits
Become a Lifetime Member
Lifetime Member Badge
Add your name to the growing list of those that have made a life-long commitment to NESEA’s mission.
Chances are, the NESEA community has provided you with great learning opportunities, life-long friends and colleagues, and business opportunities over the years. Becoming a NESEA Lifetime Member ensures that you will remain a part of that community, for life. It also helps to ensure that NESEA will be around to provide learning and networking opportunities for generations to come.
NESEA Lifetime Members
In Memoriam
Lifetime Member Benefits
- Invitation to NESEA Lifetime Member events.
- Exclusive reserved seating at BuildingEnergy Boston plenary session
Member pricing for BuildingEnergy conferences and Pro Tours
Access to VSECU membership and VGreen loan program
An invitation to participate in our volunteer work-exchange for waived admission to conferences
A subscription to BuildingEnergy magazine
Access to and listing in the NESEA member directory
Opportunity to participate in content planning committees for NESEA programs.
Ability to post on NESEA’s Community Blog
Ability to display the NESEA Lifetime Member Badge on your website and social media pages
Ability to share news in NESEA’s Members Monthly e-newsletter
Ability to post events on NESEA's community events calendar
Opportunity to host a BuildingEnergy Pro Tour
Recognition of your life long commitment to NESEA’s mission.
Become a Lifetime Member
Lifetime membership is open to anyone who supports the NESEA mission of advancing the adoption of sustainable energy practices in the built environment by cultivating a community where practitioners share, collaborate and learn. The fee for lifetime membership is $1,500 and we offer the ability to spread out payments over a set period of time.
Payment Options
Option #1: One-time payment of $1500 now |
Option #2: 12 monthly installments of $125 through PayPal |
Option #3: 24 monthly installments of $62.50 through PayPal |
To learn more, please contact Katie Schendel at or (413) 774-6051 ext. 20.
Testimonials from Lifetime Members
"More than almost any organization I know of around the country, NESEA is an assemblage of the brightest innovators in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficient design and construction, and extending beyond those fields to the larger world of sustainability. By supporting NESEA through lifetime membership, we help to further that capacity that those of us in the field so much depend on."
-Alex Wilson, Resilient Design Institute
"I have been learning from NESEA and its members for more than 17 years already. A NESEA Lifetime Membership affirms that I expect to learn for another 17 or more! I am particularly pleased that NESEA is now leading conversations about diversity and inclusion in the building energy industry."
-Bomee Jung, Cadence OneFive
"My grandparents had a camp in Maine, now shared among eight cousins. Of course, I can just show up, enjoy my quiet time, and come home. But my best years are the times when we get together and chip in - we re-shingle the roof, or put in a new sink, or dig drainage trenches around the foundation. That’s when I feel like I have skin in the game, and when I become a real part of the team. At NESEA, it’s the same. The more I put in, the more I get back. I’ve now made a lifetime investment in the organization that feeds me in my work. It’s not often that I get to do that, and I’m glad I’ve had the chance."
-Andrew Webster, studioWEBSTER
"NESEA was an incredible resource to me as an emerging professional. As I move forward in my career, I will continue to reinvest in the NESEA community so that others can benefit. I’m proud to be a lifetime member."
-Christina McPike, WinnCompanies
"Last year was a good year for me financially, and I wanted to support NESEA in a bigger way, in recognition of its role in my career over the years. Lifetime membership was a great way for me to show my support. This community has been really special, and has inspired me to pass what I’ve learned along to the next generation of sustainable building practitioners."
-Andy Shapiro, Energy Balance, Inc.
"This community is working hard to propose restorative solutions, and at this very moment we can harness this wonderful energy and have the greatest impact. We need a strong organization to do that. NESEA is well organized, well governed and high quality. And it’s really only a few bucks a month given the payment plan I worked out with Katie Schendel. Everyone should do it."
-Michael Hindle, Passive to Positive
I am proud to be a NESEA Lifetime Member. I find NESEA to be an amazingly balanced organization, building the theory of our sustainable future on the experiences of hands-on practitioners, and celebrating every engaged person and perspective. This community helps me to understand there are many solutions, much to learn, and hundreds to learn from. There is the frugal New England sensibility that is thankfully excited and forward-looking instead of more traditionally stoic and accepting. There are introverts who speak, and extroverts that ponder. There are visionaries and daily doers, and many are both. There are elders just beginning new careers, and newbies who are so well-grounded in our climate present and future that they possess ancient wisdom. And there is everything in-between. All of this ensemble—this full organization and its individual members—are building our energy to create our shared future.