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Join or Renew - Individual Membership

Thank you for your support of NESEA. 

Please see Membership Levels and Benefits for more details and to learn about the many benefits of NESEA Membership.

Current members, please log in to your account before completing this form to connect with your existing record and see your membership level and expiration date.

Please select an individual membership type below, or go to the Organization Membership form to join or renew as a business, academic institution, or other organization member.

Add a tax-deductable donation to NESEA - Thank you!
Total Amount
Member Profile Information
Enter professional and academic credentials that you want to display with your profile, separated by a comma and space, e.g. LEED, AIA
If "Current Employer" above is blank or incorrect, please enter your correct, current employer. (We will update your record shortly.)
If you are a current student, please indicate your university or place of study
The individual member directory is only accessible to current NESEA members.
If you chose "Other" in "Reasons for Joining NESEA," please give us a sentence on why! (255 character max).
Which member pricing opportunities are important to you?
Which member marketing opportunities are important to you?
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address