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Brendan Place
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Company/Organization
Proposer Phone
(508) 269-1003
Proposer Job Title
Mechanical Engineer
Proposed Session Description
Climate advocates have increasingly pushed for state and local governments to advance more energy efficient building practices. In many communities throughout the Northeast buildings represent a significant portion of a community’s greenhouse emissions impact. Recognizing the need for cost-effective strategies, building energy code officials have become increasingly interested in how to effectively design high-performance building energy codes that can help states and local governments achieve their climate goals. This session will present an in-depth review of the analysis that informed Massachusetts’s new stretch energy code and municipal opt-in stretch code. This session will focus on the key concepts that were evaluated during the analysis including thermal energy demand intensity for a selection of commercial building prototypes. This session will also present an opportunity for discussion between the design community and the DOER staff and consultants involved in the study. (Name of the Muni-opt in code still being finalized.)
Diversity and Inclusiveness
ISession has emerging professional and a woman lead consultant team speaker.
Learning Objectives
Recognize how improved building envelope is critical for better performing buildings, fossil fuel elimination, GHG emission reductions, and life cycle cost savings.
Understand the building science considerations that informed the updated stretch code and municipal opt-in stretch code.
Summarize the Massachusetts Stretch Code updates and the new municipal -opt- in stretch code and how it helps Massachusetts achieve its global warming solutions act
Has this session been presented before?
Session Format
Presentation followed by facilitated discussion or breakout groups
Session Format Details
This would be a 45-60 minute presentation with 30-45 minutes of open discussion time.
Comments about your speaker roster
I'm having trouble adding more speakers, but there would be 2 speakers from DOER. Likely Paul Ormond, Ian Finlayson, or me (Brendan Place). Additionally we may include other consultants from the consultant team, presenters form the consultant team could include: Jacob Knowles, Julia Janiski, Dylan Martello, or Nithya Lavu
Reviewer 1
Rauls, Shari
Reviewer 2
Baumann, Lauren
Baumann, Lauren
Proposal #
Session #
Committee Decision


Full Description
This session explores different approaches to high-performance building energy code design within the Massachusetts, including presenting potential building energy code options for other states. During this session, the design community will have the opportunity to engage with the MA DOER and consultant team to develop a deeper understanding of the best practices that can lead to a climate-focused building energy code.