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What lessons can you learn from completed new construction passive and net zero affordable projects? How can we bring costs down with further experience and tools? Learn from a design build firm experienced in passive and net zero affordable projects.  Hear best practices, what works, and what hasn’t been working. Hear about typical bottlenecks in delivery of affordable high performance housing and how open-source tools can bring down cost, design and analysis barriers.  Learn what incremental costs have been seen on eight Passive House multifamily affordable projects in Massachusetts. Learn if built passive multifamily projects have been delivering the 40-60% better energy performance we would expect from energy modeling.

Building Type

Time Slot

Session Chairs

Room / Location
Marina 2
Learning Objectives
Define multiple strategies for reducing costs while gaining dramatic energy and greenhouse gas reduction
Break down challenges and bottlenecks in delivery of high performance housing at affordable costs
Summarize the types of incremental cost most common in Passive House multifamily as compared to demonstrated energy use from built projects benchmarked against conventionally built projects
Compare and contrast policy strategies used in different states to encourage net zero and passive house construction in affordable housing and how those changes are starting to focus on energy retrofit at refinance
CEU Information
Attendance for each full conference day offers 4.5 credit hours for both RESNET and MA CSL licensure.
CEU Credits
GBCI: 1 Hour (BD+C, ID+C)
NARI: 1 Hour
PHIUS: 1 Hour
Session ID
Session Documents
Event Start Time
Event End Time