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Transitioning to Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants is outlined as a key strategy for New York State to achieve its long-term climate goals. During this session, you’ll gain a better understanding of existing state (focus on NY) and Federal initiatives, regulations, and history impacting the use of refrigerants in heat pumps and other HVAC equipment, the existing equipment and refrigerant options available today, and the challenges facing New York City and its workforce in adopting this technology.
Time Slot
Room / Location
Club Parlor
Learning Objectives
Summarize the history of refrigerant transitions and existing regulations that impact HVAC equipment.
Describe the regulatory and skills gaps that need to be addressed to allow the proliferation of low-GWP refrigerants.
Analyze the pros and cons of low-GWP refrigerants available today.
Identify solutions to the existing gaps and methods to accelerate solving those issues.
CEU Information

Approved for one credit hour from AIA (LU), BOC, BPI, GBCI (ID+C, BD+C), NARI, Phius, and RESNET.

Session ID
Event Start Time
Event End Time