James Petersen
James Petersen
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Phone
(603) 380-5767
Proposer Job Title
Proposed Session Description
Electrification options for DHW in multifamily bldgs all pose challenges. I will provide an overview of existing technologies and approaches. I will use recent design-phase case studies to illustrate cost, estimated energy use, mechanical space requirements, system and equipment peculiarities, metering strategies, maintenance requirements, Providing electric DHW we all can afford is a significant challenge. Are we up to the challenge?
Why is this session important?
With the push for all-electric buildings, DHW is the last big challenge. It is a different challenge than space heating. Great enclosures that dramatically reduce cooling and heating loads have allowed for the relatively easy electrification of space heating. For domestic hot water there is no easy solution to dramatically reduce the energy required to provide it. The industry has just begun to study how we can provide affordable DHW. My firm is presently working to tackle this challenge on dozens of projects.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
There is an equity dilemma associated with the operating cost of electrification of DHW. Gas hot water is cheaper. Individual's bills for DHW will be higher. The cost of living as well as Climate Change impact the poor disproportionately. Industry leaders, policymakers, etc. need to have good information when making tradeoffs between short-term and long-term costs and benefits.
Learning Objectives
Explain the difference between heating with electric resistance and heat pump technology
Understand why DHW heating with more energy efficient technology is still more expensive than heating with gas
Introduced to drain water heat recovery and other strategies to reduce energy and cost associated with the electrification of DHW
Understand seasonal variation of entering water temperature of potable water.
Has this session been presented before?
When and Where?
Same topic, but in 4 hour workshop format at PhiusCon2022, October, Chicago
Same topic, at Building Energy Boston 2023, March, Chicago
Additional Comments
Today I also submitted on this topic to a conference in DC in September sponsored by ASHRAE, AIA and others.
Little is understood about the topic of electrification of DHW and my firm is well suited to help us all get it right, since we're in the weeds wrestling with this issue every day.
Target Audiences Level of Expertise
Level 2 - Some prior knowledge helpful.
NYC 2023 Areas of Focus
Session Format Details
30 minute presentation followed by 30 minutes of Q&A
Recommended Length
60-minute session
Reviewer 1
Sullivan, Jim
Proposal #
Committee Decision