Louis Gudema
Louis Gudema
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Phone
(617) 331-1630
Proposer Job Title
Vice President of Marketing
Proposed Session Description
The conventional solution to maintaining IAQ is to increase ventilation of outdoor air into the building. However, facilities managers tell us that heating and cooling outside air, and cleaning it, often comes with an economic and carbon penalty. It is energy intensive and expensive, especially in cities with (if only occasionally) poor air quality. This session will discuss some of the new methods and technologies that can greatly reduce the energy and carbon used to address these challenges.
Why is this session important?
IAQ affects the health and productivity of everyone in a building and therefore drives cost for all sectors. However, IAQ solutions that use too much energy or add carbon to the atmosphere are self-defeating. New solutions must be applied.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
The speaker is a woman of Asia origin
Learning Objectives
Understanding the dangers of poor IAQ
Understanding why outdoor ventilation is a limited, potentially counterproductive solution
Name alternatives to outdoor ventilation for meeting ASHRAE standard 62.1 requirements
Describe the pros and cons of alternative solutions
Has this session been presented before?
Target Audiences Level of Expertise
Level 1 - No prior knowledge needed.
NYC 2023 Areas of Focus
Recommended Length
60-minute session
Reviewer 1
Sullivan, Jim
Proposal #
Committee Decision