Emily Lee
Emily Lee
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Proposed Session Description
The session will focus on the developing net zero energy (NZE) retrofit market and the strategy in place to drive needed market transformation. The session will present critical work to enable the NZE retrofit market. The session will provide information on the foundations of a replicable market, including productizing the retrofit solution and market characterization:
• will include findings on market characterization efforts on prevalent multifamily building typologies in NYS conducted by Syracuse University and Pratt Institute
• discussion of demand aggregation efforts that aid in NZE market signaling
• outlining strategies to develop and scale NZE retrofit solutions
• funding opportunities through NYSERDA’s RetrofitNY program
Why is this session important?
• The need for emerging market transformation in NZE retrofit space
• Identify technical and economic hurdles to NZE market entry
• Pathway to drive to economic feasibility of NZE retrofits
• Provide information to other states considering starting a similar program
Diversity and Inclusiveness
The program goal is to make cost-feasible and self-sustainable net-zero energy retrofit to everyone over time.
Learning Objectives
Describe the challenges and solutions for low and mid-rise multifamily NZE and deep energy retrofits
Identify technology gaps needed to facilitate industrialized NZE retrofits
Identify prevalent multifamily building typologies and use cases for retrofitting to NZE performance
Business model to facilitate large scale adoption of NZE retrofits in the Northeast US
Has this session been presented before?
Additional Comments
We have received a couple of feedback from Boston NESEA proposal submission, and they mostly touched on:
- how to build market and demand for panelization, and all electric retrofit HVAC
- questions on specs and price points
- applicable panelized system for the northeast region
- results from our round 1 pilot
We will further discuss and elaborate these key points during the session.
NYC 2021 Areas of Focus
Target Audiences Level of Expertise
Level 2 - Some prior knowledge helpful.
Session Format
Interview or structured conversation among panelists
Recommended Length
60-minute session
Strongest Content Connection - NYC 2021
Reviewer 1
Leone, Jen
Reviewer 2
Ziv, Dorit
Proposal #
Committee Decision
Being Considered