Katrina Koszorek
Katrina Koszorek
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Phone
(416) 903-0100
Proposer Job Title
Marketing Manager
Proposed Session Description
Join us for an engaging session exploring the latest advancements in building ventilation design. We will discuss innovative energy recovery technology, ventilation design approaches, and integrating systems with all electric heat pumps and VRV technology. Discover how to effectively integrate advanced ventilation technology into existing buildings.
Why is this session important?
Buildings consume approximately 40% of the nation’s total energy usage, and 75% of US electricity use. Roughly 50% of US Commercial Buildings were constructed before 1980. This means at least 2.8 million commercial buildings were built prior to the existence of today’s more efficient solutions and construction practices. There is an opportunity to revolutionize the way we ventilate spaces, as we work to help solve challenges created by our changing climate.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
In our session, we will strive to create an environment that is welcoming, approachable, and inclusive. Visual presentation elements will be accessible for audience members (high-contrast, large font, clean slides, simple imagery), we will speak clearly with intention, and our presenters will avoid the use of gendered language.
Learning Objectives
Understand the difference and appropriate applications for counterflow cores, crossflow cores and wheels.
Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and ideal applications for centralized vs. decentralized ventilation.
Understand the benefits and components required for integrating energy recovery ventilation with VRV heat-pump technology.
Understand the key principles and considerations involved in retrofitting systems in various applications.
Has this session been presented before?
Target Audiences Level of Expertise
Level 3 - Prior knowledge strongly recommended.
NYC 2023 Areas of Focus
Recommended Length
60-minute session
Reviewer 1
Sullivan, Jim
Proposal #
Committee Decision