Yaning Zhang
Yaning Zhang
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Company/Organization
Celsius Energy
Proposer Phone
(617) 768-2038
Proposer Job Title
Account Manager
Boston 2023 Areas of Focus
Proposed Session Description
Geothermal has become a vital component in decarbonizing building energy loads, lower energy demands, and enhance climate resiliency. Recent innovations have led to significant implementation, design, and cost efficiency improvements. Discover these advancements and projects, move towards net-zero goals. Learn how geo supports creation of sustainable and resilient communities by increasing energy independence, minimizing environmental impact, and boosting local economies in a changing climate
Diversity and Inclusiveness
Panel speakers will include profiles from diverse backgrounds from both gender and occupation prospectives, representing workforces in public and private sectors, from construction expertise to technological research. We are working on securing panel speakers from non-profit organizations or public services who can speak to the impact of this panel's topic on their local communities.
Learning Objectives
How geothermal and network geothermal systems work.
How geothermal systems contribute to a more sustainable and resilient communities by reducing emissions, lowering energy demands, increasing energy independence, minimizing environmental impact, and contributing to local economic stability.
Recent advancements in geothermal technology including inclined drilling, advanced ground characterization and modeling, well trajectory technology, digital twin etc.
Case studies of successfully implemented geothermal projects in MA.
Has this session been presented before?
Target Audiences Level of Expertise
Level 1 - No prior knowledge needed.
Session Format
Interview or structured conversation among panelists
Session Format Details
Structured conversation among panelists.
Recommended Length
60-minute session
Strongest Content Connection - Boston 2023
Comments about your speaker roster
Additional panelists have been identified and engaged for this panel session; availability and confirmation of participation pending. Company types include:
• Engineering firms
• Public agencies / officials
• Advocacy groups
• Others
We will be adding one to two additional panel speakers from other entities with expertise in environment & climate action strategy and policy and/or direct involvement in successful geothermal system implementation projects in the state of MA.
Anything else you'd like to tell us about your session proposal?
Project references:
Reviewer 1
Field, Keirstan
Reviewer 2
Field, Keirstan
Proposal #
Committee Decision
Being Considered
Full Description
The promise of geothermal heating and cooling to support deep decarbonization is clear, especially with improvements to technology performance. The topic is becoming increasingly popular. Recent federal and local incentives further support the utilization of geothermal technology in build environment.
However, effective and widespread implementation still requires increases in overall public awareness and consumer acceptance. For many, it's a form of technology much less familiar compared to other types of renewable energy. What is it? How does it work? Furthermore, traditional perception of geothermal systems paints a complex and expensive installation that require large amounts of land. While technology has since solved many of these issues, the perception often overlooks this most efficient source of sustainable building heating and cooling technology as unfeasible for implementation in many places, especially denser urban environments like Boston.
It is important to educate audiences on the advancements and availability of geothermal technology to date. Today, geothermal is more approachable and feasible than ever, thanks to these technical advancements and available incentives as proven by implemented projects in various parts of MA (e.g. Eversource Networked Geothermal Pilot in Framingham, public school installations, institution installations etc.)