Katrina Belle
Katrina Belle
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Company/Organization
Maine Passive House
Proposer Phone
(207) 607-1005
Boston 2022 Areas of Focus
Proposer Job Title
Project Manager
Proposer Additional Info
I studied issues of gender and diversity in college in many different contexts. I have worked with multiple organizations in the outdoor industry to increase diversity and access to these spaces. I have been working in the trades for 6 years. I’ve only ever worked with one other woman before my current job. I ran the onsite operations of a residential-commercial jobsite, and have plenty of experience explaining the following subject matter in a non offensive way to people who do not understand why efforts of inclusion are necessary. I have taught thousands of people carpentry with Habitat for Humanity, hosting build workshops for hundreds of women during this time. Most recently, I have been helping to start a carpentry program targeted at increasing access to the trades for folks who experience barriers to entry. I also volunteer my time as vice-chair of Passivhaus ME, and am working on PH training programs that engage and integrate Maine's youth into the industry.
Proposed Session Description
Why are the majority of construction companies hiring from half of the population? How is it that most men have never worked with a woman on a jobsite? This presentation will take a look at how one company has achieved gender equity and shares simple, actionable steps for companies and organizations within the trades to break down barriers to entry.
Learn why subcontractors and other carpentry companies are now approaching this company for help finding labor and why newcomers are reaching out to this company to find a way into the industry.
This session is for business owners, anyone working within the trades, students considering going into the trades, and anyone with a vested interest in learning how to diversify their team. Although we specifically identify the jobsite as the area of focus, all job environments could apply similar practices & methods.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
This session argues that workforce equity is critical to draw the next generation into the sustainable building industry. Indeed, massive, collective action will not be possible without diverse labor contributions and perspectives.
Learning Objectives
Identify areas of improvement within one’s own company or job site crew regarding gender equity/inclusion
Effectively discuss gender biases on site from a position of understanding
Proficiently explain the social and economic values that gender equity could bring to their crew and business
Modify their company mission and/or policies to actively integrate the priority of a diverse workforce into company decisions
Has this session been presented before?
Session Format
Presentation followed by facilitated discussion or breakout groups
Session Format Details
25 minutes of presentation: Intro/identify the problem (2-5minutes), What can your company do to break the cycle/what steps should you take to prepare yourself for change (10min), What are potential outcomes of that change/what it meant for our business (10min). Breakout groups for audience members to identify 3 tangible steps they can take within their own business/lives to jumpstart change, ten minute regroup and share back.
Recommended Length
60-minute session
Strongest Content Connection - Boston 2022
Anything else you'd like to tell us about your session proposal?
The session focuses on gender within the company because that is what our team has the most experience with. We live in a very homogenous part of Maine, where racial diversity is lacking. We have reached out to the Maine Environmental Education Association and could also reach out to Helm business solutions if NESEA would like to see this presentation discuss racial equity more clearly. The focus on gender mostly comes from the fact that the trades are very specifically unbalanced in this particular manner. Definitely open to suggestions to make the presentation more intersectional, as this is critical to any discussion on inclusion.
Reviewer 1
Washington, Maria
Reviewer 2
Washington, Maria
Proposal #
Committee Decision
Being Considered
Full Description
Despite strides being made to normalize and encourage gender equity at many levels of business, the trades are still lagging far behind, with men making up 97% of the labor force. We cannot talk about increasing access to the field of sustainable building without asking why the labor make-up is a drastically unequal representation of the population (hint: it’s not because of physical barriers). The next generation will not tolerate the biases of the past, nor will they be interested in participating in the field of sustainable building if efforts are not made to break down these barriers. If we want this industry to progress and grow, we must harness the talent of those who have been previously excluded.