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Amanda Garvey
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Company/Organization
Thornton Tomasetti
Proposer Phone
(207) 749-8501
Proposer Job Title
Senior Associate
Proposed Session Description
In this presentation we will take a deep dive into four major sustainable building topic areas and learn the best-in-class practices that have been developed from a number of leading edge institutions and how they can be easily applied to any project at any scale to create systematic change and dramatically increase our collective impact. We need start thinking differently, act intentionally and quickly. What are some alternate paths we can take to decarbonize our campuses and electrify our buildings? How can we dramatically reduce embodied carbon in our new construction projects in a cost effective way? How can we work towards eliminating chemicals of concern with very limited resources? And finally, what are some simple process improvements we can make in our delivery to promote an Integrative Design Process the enables teams to develop more cost effective and sustainable project solutions?
Diversity and Inclusiveness
The speakers will address the social and environmental justice issues related to each sustainability topic as part of the "why" (i.e. why do these issues matter?)
Learning Objectives
Describe alternative approaches to electrifying and decarbonizing campus buildings.
Explain how to apply best-in-class project requirements to reduce embodied carbon in projects and walk away with tools to overcome common roadblocks (such as cost) associated with mass timber project.
Describe how to pilot a Healthier Materials initiative on campus that eliminate toxic chemicals from our buildings.
Explain how to refine and improve your Integrative Design Process by selecting the right teams and instituting a few key changes to your project delivery process.
Has this session been presented before?
When and Where?
TT has presented this session to the Association of University Architects as well as several targeted higher education institutions. They were all private presentations with AIA approval.
Session Format
Interview or structured conversation among panelists
Presentation followed by facilitated discussion or breakout groups

Strongest Content Connection - Boston 2022

Reviewer 1
Nedzinski, Megan
Proposal #
Committee Decision
Full Description
With the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s Sixth Assessment Report released this year, it is important that the sustainability targets of our building projects focus on the topics of utmost importance relative to our changing climate. To this end, decarbonization and embodied carbon will be two of the primary focus areas for this session. The panel will include James Beaupre, the Director of Industrial Cooperation for the University of Maine, whose mission is to connect external partners with university resources to solve pressing problems, and Thornton Tomasetti, who served as a consultant to the University of Maine for a detailed embodied carbon and cost analysis of a mass timber project on-campus.