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Mariel Gonzalez
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Company/Organization
RSP Systems/Brenmiller
Proposer Phone
(718) 991-6999 x246
Proposer Job Title
Mechanical Engineer
Proposed Session Description
An area of decarbonization that continues to be challenging is how to effectively transform industrial thermal processes due to significant dependence of fossil fuels. Wide-scale implementation of renewable energy projects, when paired with energy storage, will be transformational for the US. Most storage technologies only focus on providing electric power. Brenmiller Energy Solution allows industrial thermal processes to convert renewable electricity to thermal energy for storage/use on demand.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
We are currently looking at domestic manufacturing and seeking historically disadvantaged geographies looking to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. This includes exploration into job training programs & focused use of local workforce.
Learning Objectives
Recognize leading-edge technologies that are applicable for wide range of applications in the decarbonization industry (Eg., Multi-unit residential, institutional, commercial, industrial).
Support facilities decarbonization goals (ESG, State/Local) via introducing "thermal batteries" to efficiently store energy for multiple days.
Recognize opportunities to weave in grid/renewable electricity during off-peak hours while still providing 24/7 HVAC building requirements.
Outline market sectors for LDES implementation based on facilities with large amounts of medium to high temperature thermal energy and located: 1) Close to large-scale renewable energy assets, or 2) Close to any inland utility transmission lines, or 3) Regions with low cost of grid provided electricity, or 4) Close to existing generating assets with available off-peak production, or 5) Within an active district energy loop system.
Has this session been presented before?
When and Where?
- CES Technical Meeting 8 - Market-based Decarbonization Programs and Low-Carbon Incentives [Online only, December 15th, 2022] - Presented to IDEA (International District Energy Association) - Presented to RTC (Renewable Thermal Collaborative)
Target Audiences Level of Expertise
Level 3 - Prior knowledge strongly recommended.
Session Format
Interview or structured conversation among panelists
Presentation followed by facilitated discussion or breakout groups
Session Format Details
A 45-minute presentation followed by Q&A or a 45-minute structured conversation among panelists and Q&A session.

Strongest Content Connection - Boston 2023

Comments about your speaker roster
- Market-based Decarbonization Programs and Low-Carbon Incentives: Please note our speaker is only presenting for 8 minutes and starts at 05:17:00 into the recording. - Biography: Jim Koontz is the Vice President of Sales & Marketing for RSP Systems. RSP Systems is the Northeast distributor of Brenmiller Energy as well as exclusive distributor of Capstone Turbines in New York, Ohio and Connecticut. During his career Mr. Koontz has a wide range of experience in the energy sector from design & construction to installation and plant operations. He has been involved in wide span of systems including renewable energy, Thermal Batteries, cogeneration, resilient power, back-up power and energy procurement. Mr. Koontz has worked for Duke Energy, Veolia Energy & SourceOne. Early in his career, Mr. Koontz was a Naval Officer and Gulf War Veteran. Mr. Koontz received his MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and his B.S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Norwich University. Mr. Koontz is a board member of CHPA-Northeast Chapter, and is a former board member of the CT Power and Energy Society. An active member of the AEE, he is a Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP).
Anything else you'd like to tell us about your session proposal?
Please reach out if you have any questions on the concept of this proposal.
Reviewer 1
Schow, Mark
Proposal #
Committee Decision


Full Description
The current technologies that can address thermal decarbonization is limited. Even more limited is long duration Thermal Energy Storage (TES). Key considerations include: - How to effectively store thermal energy for long time periods, with minimal losses. - The source of energy to introduce heat to thermal storage system. - Typical operating schedule of industrial thermal processes. - These industrial are often located in economically disadvantaged areas. Large-scale renewable projects, when paired with energy storage, will provide a range of benefits including: - Clean and Green Electricity to the grid. - Ability to store energy when grid loads are lowest (off-peak hours). - Peak load sharing. - Decreased grid congestion. - Source of energy that can be converted to thermal energy for industrial thermal processes. The Brenmiller System will facilitate full optimization and production use from any source of grid or renewable electricity (Wind, PV Solar). - Maximize the utilization and availability of renewable generation to provide thermal energy without using fossil fuels. - Since the units also store thermal energy, it can be charged during off-peaks hours when electricity prices are lowest. - Can support peak demand reduction by charging during off hours and used during peak hours. - Enable end-users to build the required energy storage capacity in different sizes and capacities due to modular design. - System is capable of generating up to 275 psi steam or high-temperature hot water while effectively storing thermal for days/weeks with nominal losses. To date there has not been any significant adoption of electric steam generation. The reason is the cost of steam generated via natural gas or oil is typically much cheaper than electric heat & steam. The upcoming installation of large-scale renewable generation, including offshore wind, is a genuine-game changer to create "Green Steam". - How does green thermal energy support the State's clean energy agenda and goals? - Are there any specific geographies where clean thermal energy would support regional goals? - Are there any state agencies or groups interested in technology options that can be used synergistically? For example, pairing battery storage with thermal storage to optimize the value and societal contribution from offshore wind assets and other renewables. - Support Time of Use (TOU) and other load shaving programs. Historically communities with prevalent industrial base are often in economically disadvantaged communities. By electrifying and decarbonizing industrial thermal processes, these will be tangible societal benefits for these communities. It will measurably improve local air quality in these regions. It will also help promote job creation in these areas while supporting the State's decarbonization goals. Although there is no single approach or technology that will, on its own, achieve either National or individual State’s decarbonization goals. The Brenmiller Thermal Energy Storage (TES) can be one of numerous technologies in a “portfolio approach” to this end. Decarbonizing industrial thermal processes is a universal challenge, and the Brenmiller system provides an efficient & eco-friendly solution that combines thermal energy storage with flexible performance.