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Expanding our workforce by meaningful inclusion and retention of people from marginalized groups will be critical to scale our work. We have all heard statements, jokes, and questions in the workplace that make us cringe, but we may not have the skills to respond constructively in the moment. This session will offer tools to engage with these subtle acts of exclusion and focus on learning skills from real examples from job sites and office environments. Core principles such as intent vs. impact, acknowledging our own biases, and recognizing micro-aggressions will be explored.

Time Slot

Session Chairs

Session Speakers

Room / Location
Marina 3-4
Learning Objectives
Recognize types of micro-aggressions and exclusionary speech in workplace interactions
Describe how lack of hurtful intention by the speaker may still be hurtful to someone
Intervene with thoughtful, non-escalating questions that effectively cause positive change
Acknowledge unconscious biases and learn to be more supportive to marginalized people in the workplace
CEU Information

Approved for 1.5 credit hours toward AIA (LU|HSW), BOC, and NARI certification. Credit is offered for each full conference day toward MA CSL, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.

Session ID
Session Documents
Event Start Time
Event End Time