Join principals of New Frameworks and Builders for Climate Action for a critical look at our practices that have endeavored to embed justice and belonging alongside the highest goals for building health, efficiency, and carbon storage in projects - for the purpose of workshopping how our industry can scale carbon storage and justice, rapidly, to address climate justice. From organizational structure to project development to design details, we will provide an honest look at our development so as to ask and answer the question with our colleagues - what can we learn from our mistakes and successes, our limitations and opportunities? How do we scale this work to meet the demands of climate crisis and human justice, quickly and creatively?
Boston 2023 Areas of Focus
Session Chairs
Session Speakers
Approved for 1.5 credit hours toward AIA (LU|HSW), BOC, and NARI certification. Credit is offered for each full conference day toward MA CSL, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.