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Electrifying the manufacturing process of building materials is a critical step towards decarbonizing the built environment. Going where no companies have gone before, two leading edge companies share their journey to reduce the carbon impact of their product. Each will tell their story on their path to decarbonizing their manufacturing process. This is the prologue, and the episode continues as they stretch their goals. The presenting companies are Glavel, Inc., a foam glass gravel manufacturer out of Burlington, VT, and Timber HP, a wood fiber insulation manufacturer located in Madison, ME.

Time Slot

Session Chairs

Session Speakers

Room / Location
Marina 3-4
Learning Objectives
Define the concept of embodied carbon in building materials.
Analyze the implications of electrifying manufacturing and acknowledging transparency in EPDs.
Communicate the benefits of sourcing low embodied carbon materials.
Advocate for material manufacturers to modernize their approach to sustainability.
CEU Information

Approved for 1 credit hour toward AIA (LU), BOC, and NARI certification. Credit is offered for each full conference day toward MA CSL, PHI, Phius, and RESNET certification.

Session ID
Session Documents
Event Start Time
Event End Time