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The electric grid is changing rapidly - with more intermittent, renewable energy resources contributing to the power generation supply, more dispatchable baseload retiring, and more extreme weather events causing outages. Providing uninterruptible power supply is becoming increasingly more challenging. As building designers and operators, we have the opportunity to be part of the solution by optimizing the demand side of the equation. Passive building is a design methodology that utilizes passive principles to reduce loads on a peak and annual basis. Passive buildings have inherent load flexibility, flattened peak demands, and less reliance on continuous power supply which is essential for the transition of a clean energy grid.

Time Slot

Session Chairs

Session Speakers

Room / Location
Marina 1
Learning Objectives
Analyze how the electric grid operates and the challenges of renewable energy integration into the grid
Explore the differences in load patterns and load shifting capabilities between passive building and code construction
Discuss grid independence / passive survivability
Compare the resiliency of passive buildings in comparison to code minimum buildings during a long term grid power outage
CEU Information
Attendance for each full conference day offers 4.5 credit hours for both RESNET and MA CSL licensure.
CEU Credits
GBCI: 1 Hour (BD+C, O+M)
NARI: 1 Hour
PHIUS: 1 Hour
Session ID
Event Start Time
Event End Time