As part of the State of New York’s ambitions to achieve a carbon-neutral economy by mid-century, NYSERDA initiated the Buildings of Excellence (BOE) Design Competition for multifamily new construction and deep renovation projects. The results from the first two rounds of BOE awards give insight into achieving higher levels of building performance in terms of energy savings, carbon reductions, and other co-benefits. They provide data on how to manage costs, effectiveness of technology, etc. and offer replicable models for others to follow. This interactive session is designed to focus on audience perspectives and questions as we delve into projects, trends, and best practice recommendations.
Time Slot
Session Chairs
Session Speakers
Room / Location
The Hub
Learning Objectives
Assess the feasibility of cost-effective and carbon neutral building design with special emphasis on strategies for limiting first cost.
Describe opportunities for growing and developing market capability to successfully scale up carbon neutral building design.
Illustrate examples of co-benefits from specific high-performance building projects.
Recognize areas of improvement for carbon neutral building design based on lessons learned from the Buildings of Excellence projects.
CEU Information
Approved for one credit hour through AIA (LU), BOC, NARI, Phius, and RESNET.
Session ID
NYC 2022 Areas of Focus
Session Documents
Event Start Time
NYC Building Types
Event End Time