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Even the most successful Retro-Commissioning projects encounter some level of conflict. Thoughtful collaboration with the building’s operating staff can help overcome these challenges and prove to be valuable to the entire project team. Using project examples, this session provides guidance on how to engage the operations team for a successful Retro-Cx program.
Time Slot

Session Speakers

Room / Location
The Innovation Space
Learning Objectives
Assess the daily constraints that building operators encounter.
Implement enhanced and effective communication with an operations team.
Identify the RCx process milestones and prepare effectively for the two key meetings that ensure project success.
Recognize the specific concerns that need to be addressed when developing a RCx program that spans multiple sites and various stakeholders/team members.
CEU Credits
BPI: 1 Credit Hour
GBCI: 1 Credit Hour (ID+C, BD+C, O+M)
PHIUS: 1 Credit Hour
RESNET: 5.5 Credit Hours for full conference attendance
Session ID
Event Start Time

NYC Building Types

Event End Time