Successful Passive House teams throughout North America follow an approach that, if replicated at scale, can reduce the energy load and carbon output of the built environment at the level needed to address climate change, while improving building quality. Effective scaling requires maintaining an integrated team from early design through construction completion. In this session, we will identify challenges in the Passive House process and share the details of a proven approach to integrating teams, which can be easily and repeatably implemented in projects of all sizes and types. We will provide best practices for informing design and construction team members of the benefits of Passive House, reducing risk and lowering costs while sharing knowledge and feedback with the community.
Time Slot
Session Chairs
Session Speakers
Room / Location
The Library
Learning Objectives
Communicate with clients and builders to encourage adoption of Passive House methods in their projects.
Utilize strategies that make Passive House scalable and lower risks via consultants and Passive House Certification.
Develop systems to further the spread of Passive House throughout North America as a viable method of addressing climate change.
Develop your own strategies to easily and repeatably implement Passive House.
CEU Information
Approved for one credit hour through AIA (LU|HSW), BOC, BPI, GBCI (ID+C, BD+C, WELL), NARI, Phius, and RESNET.
Session ID
NYC 2022 Areas of Focus
Session Documents
Event Start Time
NYC Building Types
Event End Time