It’s about time we stop ignoring the full impact that design, construction and development really have. We cannot stop at net zero operational energy but instead need to consider all of the aesthetic, carbon, embodied energy, community, and financial impacts of work. No one ever said socially and environmentally responsible development would be easy, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. This workshop will look at how Placetailor incorporates quantitative analysis into the design phase of small-scale residential development work to create dwellings that are architecturally interesting and super insulated, have lower embodied carbon, are located in urban infill and are based on an integrated analysis of finances and energy. This is a workshop about raising the bar, exploring the idea of a “net positive impact”, and getting hands-on experience using the Placetailor developed “Gizmo”, a spreadsheet tool that converts these conceptual inklings into practical analysis.
Room / Location
Cambridge Complex
Event Start Time
Event End Time