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Transportation Infrastructure: Where We Are, How We Must Change

Mass transit in and into NYC serves 15.1 million people, yet people still drive their cars into the City. The nation’s largest mass transit system helps reduce carbon dramatically in the City, and a new congestion pricing proposal is supported in NYC, but ignored in Albany. Learn from two experts about where we are and where we need to go to move people in and out of NYC.

Water: Life Blood of Our Infrastructure

NYC uses about a billion gallons of water per day, and the system that delivers it to our tap is both vast and frail, as is the system to dispose of and reuse our water. Water costs many owners more than energy, and sometimes property taxes. Learn about the system, NYCDEP incentives to reduce usage, successful retrofit projects, and the current and future state of NYC’s sewer system.

Passive House: Affordable, Retrofit, and Huge

Probably the most adopted newer certification in the building industry, Passive House is a US and international standard that small to very large owners are using to build and retrofit. Simple, affordable, and durable, this standard works in many types of buildings. Learn from four experienced practitioners about how smaller buildings are retrofitted, how affordable housing is built within budget, and how large scale dormitories and other buildings will be built in the future.

We the People...In Multifamily Buildings!

Studies have shown that human behavior is just as important to a building's performance as energy efficient systems themselves. Engagement and training for residents and building operators is often overlooked, as the focus is usually on installing advanced new energy efficient equipment. This panel-style session will explore challenges and real life examples of how resident engagement, operator training and behavioral awareness have reduced energy usage in multifamily buildings and created healthier, happier living spaces.

Living on the Edge: Resiliency, Energy, and Affordability

With every passing year, temperatures and storms are becoming more extreme in our region. Protecting both tenants and building systems requires a new way of thinking about floodproofing, thermal comfort, and power loss. Speakers will review best practices and design solutions that have been implemented in affordable housing developments and retrofits to address a wide variety of environmental stressors. Speakers will also explore the public and private sources used to fund the projects.

Tuesday Workshop: Energy Efficiency and Green Building Technologies - Made in Germany

Germany has established itself as an international market leader and innovation driver in the fields of energy efficiency and green building. This workshop will feature a select group of German organizations and companies presenting their latest innovative products and reference projects which incorporate energy efficiency solutions. Speakers include:

·         Dr. Kurt Roth, Director Building Energy Technologies at Fraunhofer CSE presenting emerging energy efficiency opportunities

Energy Efficiency and Green Building Technologies - Made in Germany

Germany has established itself as an international market leader and innovation driver in the fields of energy efficiency and green building. This workshop will feature a select group of German organizations and companies presenting their latest innovative products and reference projects which incorporate energy efficiency solutions. Speakers include:

·         Dr. Kurt Roth, Director Building Energy Technologies at Fraunhofer CSE presenting emerging energy efficiency opportunities

The Future of Homebuilding Can't Wait: Making Sustainable, Low Energy Dwellings the Norm

It is said that homebuilding can look back at 300 years of history unimpeded by progress. It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but the energy-sucking, defect prone truth is unacceptable. Homeowners, society, and even the health of our planet have been underserved by the quality standard of our homes. As the vicious cycle of climate change accelerates, we must achieve a home quality paradigm shift now. That will mean thinking differently, acting differently, and doing differently.

Speaker: Tedd Benson, Bensonwood & Unity Homes

Tuesday Workshop - Electricity 101 - Understanding electricity markets and regulations in the Northeast

This workshop will explain the roles of legislatures, utility commissions, state energy offices and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in setting energy policy. It will explain day ahead and real time wholesale energy markets, capacity markets, and REC markets, and the role of Independent System Operators and the New England Power Pool. We will review how retail “standard offer” energy pricing is set and how transmission, distribution, transition, demand charges and other aspects of retail pricing are established. Energy professionals who don’t yet know this stuff should.

Electricity 101 - Understanding electricity markets and regulations in the Northeast

This workshop will explain the roles of legislatures, utility commissions, state energy offices and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in setting energy policy. It will explain day ahead and real time wholesale energy markets, capacity markets, and REC markets, and the role of Independent System Operators and the New England Power Pool. We will review how retail “standard offer” energy pricing is set and how transmission, distribution, transition, demand charges and other aspects of retail pricing are established. Energy professionals who don’t yet know this stuff should.