Home Energy Labeling: The New Granite Countertops of Real Estate
If insulation, air sealing, performance testing, and high-efficiency HVAC systems were as exciting to home buyers as granite countertops and walk-in closets, the demand for energy-efficient homes and energy efficiency upgrades would increase dramatically. Home energy labeling allows owners, realtors, and developers a platform to market and value building energy efficiency. It provides a strategy for educating, engaging, and exciting consumers about high-performing home features that lower utilities, improve health and comfort and increase home value.
Monitoring Energy Performance & IAQ: Multifamily Energy Star vs. PHIUS+
This session will explore both high level monitoring protocols and in-depth performance results of energy and indoor environmental quality measurement within PHIUS+ multi-family buildings to outline opportunities and lessons learned. The presentation team will discuss findings from a detailed monitoring study comparing two nearly identical affordable housing multi-family buildings in Chicago, one meeting EnergyStar® Multi-family requirements and the other PHIUS+ standards.
Zero Energy Buildings in Massachusetts: Saving Money from the Start
The number one obstacle to Zero Energy (ZE) buildings is the perception of increased cost. This session will debunk this myth. Utilizing readily available products, practices and technologies, Zero Energy buildings are being constructed in increasing numbers across Massachusetts. And with the help of state and utility rebates for energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, these projects are being delivered at little or no additional first costs.
Scalable Multifamily Retrofits: Case Studies from Energiesprong & Two US Practitioners
Energiesprong and practitioners selected by RetrofitNY are developing standardized and scalable methods to achieve whole-building near-zero energy retrofits while maintaining multifamily tenants in place. Energiesprong, based in Europe, has successfully transformed 4,500 affordable units and RetrofitNY is currently in proof-of-concept phase. The session will provide an introduction to standardized retrofits for multifamily housing, an overview of the best practices in Europe, and the practical implementation in the US market.
We're Still Green at Being Green! Lessons Learned on the Path
In today's climate crisis, it's imperative to change the way we design and build in order to reduce or eliminate carbon emissions. However, some of these changes to building design can introduce unanticipated side effects. We can minimize these side effects on future projects by learning from each other - we all have insights that we've gleaned from our own projects. This presentation is a collection of lessons learned on the path to better performing buildings. Let’s share! Topics include wood vs.