Frank Mruk III
Frank Mruk
Proposer First Name
Proposer Email
Proposer Last Name
Proposer Phone
(857) 701-1564
Proposer Job Title
Executive Director
Proposed Session Description
An urgent and aggressive response to climate change and a clean economy requires a massive labor mobilization of a latent workforce which has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. President Biden has indicated support for a 21st century version of the original Civilian Conservation Corps. How can the Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) operationally optimize and employ an equitable and diverse group of 1 million Americans in 4 years to complete clean energy, climate resilience, conservation, and sustainable infrastructure projects, while providing education, training, and career pathways in good-paying union jobs. We will explore current tactics and didactics from the front line.
Why is this session important?
Environmental equity and inclusion. How to become carbon neutral by 2050. Workforce development in underserved neighborhoods.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
How can the Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) operationally optimize and employ an equitable and diverse group of 1 million Americans in 4 years to complete clean energy, climate resilience, conservation, and sustainable infrastructure projects, while providing education, training, and career pathways in good-paying union jobs.
Learning Objectives
To learn how to focus on equity in under-resourced communities.
To learn how to optimize and amplify current vocational training and workforce development successes.
To learn best practices and partnerships are currently available.
To learn how the Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) has worked in the past
Has this session been presented before?
Target Audiences Level of Expertise
Level 1 - No prior knowledge needed.
Session Format
Collaborative problem-solving session
Recommended Length
60-minute session
Strongest Content Connection - NYC 2021
Reviewer 1
Shaw, Nick
Proposal #
Committee Decision