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The Results are In: Lessons Learned from Post Occupancy Data in Multifamily Passive Houses

Curtis + Ginsberg Architects has completed 6 multifamily Passive House buildings, with two more in construction and six more in design. Steven Winter Associates has completed over 20 Passive House buildings, with 15 more in construction and 30+ more in design. We have collaborated on many of these projects. By reviewing variations in the systems, we can draw conclusions about what works best for structure, envelope, ventilation strategy, heating and cooling systems, and on-site generation.

Pretty Good House: A Guide to Creating Better Homes

Have you heard about the building standard that's not a standard? Learn how to create energy efficient, healthy, sustainable homes with an emphasis on making the concepts and technical details accessible to builders and designers of all levels of development. Two of the four co-authors of the Pretty Good House Book will go through the essential elements of what makes a Pretty Good House and share how it can help make low-carbon energy efficiency more accessible to contractors, designers, and clients.

Electrification Journeys: How Two Companies Decarbonized Their Manufacturing Processes

Electrifying the manufacturing process of building materials is a critical step towards decarbonizing the built environment. Going where no companies have gone before, two leading edge companies share their journey to reduce the carbon impact of their product. Each will tell their story on their path to decarbonizing their manufacturing process. This is the prologue, and the episode continues as they stretch their goals.

Hotel Marcel: The Only Passive House Certified Hotel

Bruce Becker is the architect, developer, owner, and operator of Hotel Marcel. He will discuss the conversion of the formerly vacant Pirelli Building in New Haven into Hotel Marcel, a 165-room LEED Platinum all-electric boutique hotel and conference center which is the first Passive House certified hotel in the United States. The discussion will include electrification (no fossil fuels including 100% of HVAC, hot water, kitchen, and laundry), power over Ethernet (POE) for all Lighting and Shades, and micro-grid creation for resilience with 1 megawatt-hour of battery storage.

Fundamentals of Functional Flashing

The vast majority of construction defect litigation is over failures of water management. As we construct lower and lower energy buildings, we’re reducing their physical ability to withstand a little “whoopsy” with your water barriers. We’ll go through the fundamentals and the physics in presentation format, then share hands-on demonstrations of old and new methods that really work. You’re guaranteed to learn something that can be applied to your projects immediately.

Wednesday Keynote — Why We Stopped Doing Deep Energy Retrofits

Made possible by DXS and HTS. After completing many Deep Energy Retrofit projects (DERs) in the late 2000s early 2010s here in Massachusetts, our residential design-build remodeling company's approach to energy retrofit work has shifted towards lighter envelope improvements and a greater focus on getting homes off of on site fossil fuel consumption. While the DER approach was successful in substantially reducing energy consumption, among other improvements, it often came at a high cost both in terms of our clients investment and the embodied carbon impact of the work itself. In this presentation we will make the case for our current, more moderate approach to energy retrofit work, how we got here, and why we don't expect to be super-insulating many existing homes going forward.