New York City Local Law 31 of 2016 set stringent source energy use intensity (EUI) targets for the design of new municipal capital buildings, additions, and substantial reconstructions. Local Law 97 of 2019, part of the City’s Climate Mobilization Act, set aggressive new greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets for the entire municipal portfolio that will require retrofits of most City-owned buildings. The City’s unprecedented targets for municipal buildings raise challenges relevant to any owner of a large portfolio. How can the City's wide variety of building typologies – schools, libraries, vehicle maintenance garages, police stations and fire houses, hospitals, cultural institutions, and others – cut energy use 50% or more from today’s levels? Which applications within the portfolio are best for electric heat pumps, and how do applications in new construction and major renovations differ from those in buildings limited to incremental upgrades? This session will provide an overview of these laws, their projected impact on the City’s 4,600 buildings, the ways in which electric heat pumps can help meet these targets, and how the answers to these questions are being incorporated into programs and designs currently underway.
Skill Level
2 (some prior experience/knowledge helpful)
Time Slot
Session Chairs
Session Speakers
Room / Location
Wall Hub
Learning Objectives
Summarize the different targets established for municipal buildings by recent Local Laws and how they will affect the City’s portfolio.
Appreciate the opportunities and challenges for low-energy design and building electrification that are presented by the City's unique portfolio, administrative structure, and project development processes.
Describe how several municipal pilot projects currently in design are using electric heat pumps to help meet the new legislative targets.
Identify new market opportunities to meet the needs of a diverse 4,600-building portfolio.
CEU Information
AIA 1.0 LU
NYC 2019 Areas of Focus
Session ID
Session Documents
(4.64 MB)
Event Start Time
Event End Time