Carbon Storing Buildings: A Gateway to Justice and Belonging
Join principals of New Frameworks and Builders for Climate Action for a critical look at our practices that have endeavored to embed justice and belonging alongside the highest goals for building health, efficiency, and carbon storage in projects - for the purpose of workshopping how our industry can scale carbon storage and justice, rapidly, to address climate justice.
Building Relationships: Community Ambassadors and Advisors
Research has shown that solar adoption in a neighborhood spurs more solar adoption. Conversely, if clean energy adoption is not seeded in other communities, these communities lose out on the benefits of clean energy. This panel will provide lessons learned and best practices for using the community coach/ambassador/advisor model to promote clean energy in underserved communities. Speakers will talk about addressing language barriers and building trust.
Climate Equity is Right Under Our Feet: Ground Source Heat Pumps and Community Thermal Networks
Recent technology developments and incentive programs are creating new opportunities for ground-source heat pumps (GSHPs) at the building and neighborhood scale (networked geothermal). Practitioners designing and piloting GSHPs will describe how GSHPs can reduce the environmental burden on LMI communities by decarbonizing space and water heating. Through design and case studies, they will describe what characteristics make a building or neighborhood a promising fit for GSHP implementation, and those posing significant challenges.
Accelerating Building Decarbonization with Tariffed On-Bill Financing
Imagine your utility told you they wanted to invest in state-of-the-art technology for your home or business. No taking on debt, and no matter if you're a renter. Your obligation? Paying a monthly tariff on your electric bill no greater than the resulting energy savings. The tariff would extend only until the utility recovers its investment, and if you move, would simply transfer to the next occupant.
Zero Energy Modular at Scale: Factories, Builders, and Design Professionals Wanted
VEIC’s work on Zero Energy Modular (ZEM) homes has helped hundreds of low and moderate income families achieve dignified, resilient, low-carbon housing. Over the past decade, we’ve partnered with five factories and countless funding partners and lending institutions to make this happen. The need is growing, not fading—for workforce housing, farmworker housing, Accessory Dwelling Units, mobile home replacement, affordable housing communities (single- and multifamily), and more. The problem? The ZEM model does not scale well within the current paradigm.
Addressing Racism and Subtle Acts of Exclusion in the Design and Construction Workplace
Expanding our workforce by meaningful inclusion and retention of people from marginalized groups will be critical to scale our work. We have all heard statements, jokes, and questions in the workplace that make us cringe, but we may not have the skills to respond constructively in the moment. This session will offer tools to engage with these subtle acts of exclusion and focus on learning skills from real examples from job sites and office environments. Core principles such as intent vs. impact, acknowledging our own biases, and recognizing micro-aggressions will be explored.
Scaling Low Carbon Market Transformation for Building Products
Operational carbon is challenging but attacking embodied carbon is a complete nightmare! How can firms streamline the deadly research drain and get compliance across all teams for low carbon, healthy material choices? Owners, how can you set and ensure compliance with your standards when onboarding design teams? Builders, how can you leverage your buying power to accelerate market transformation through aggregation without having to change any behavior?