Carbon Storing Buildings: A Gateway to Justice and Belonging
Join principals of New Frameworks and Builders for Climate Action for a critical look at our practices that have endeavored to embed justice and belonging alongside the highest goals for building health, efficiency, and carbon storage in projects - for the purpose of workshopping how our industry can scale carbon storage and justice, rapidly, to address climate justice.
Leveraging Federal and State Incentives for Building Decarbonization
While recent state legislation across the region has codified ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in statute, these bills have had a clear lack of funding to address the massive capital investment needed. The tide may now be turning, however, with the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the implementation of significant state-level incentives, such as those laid out in Massachusetts' new energy efficiency triennial plan. This session will review the emerging funding landscape and identify effective strategies to leverage and stack these various incentives.
Addressing Racism and Subtle Acts of Exclusion in the Design and Construction Workplace
Expanding our workforce by meaningful inclusion and retention of people from marginalized groups will be critical to scale our work. We have all heard statements, jokes, and questions in the workplace that make us cringe, but we may not have the skills to respond constructively in the moment. This session will offer tools to engage with these subtle acts of exclusion and focus on learning skills from real examples from job sites and office environments. Core principles such as intent vs. impact, acknowledging our own biases, and recognizing micro-aggressions will be explored.